Creative Blend

14 Sep 2024

How Much Does a Corporate Video Cost? We Explore the Production Costs

Corporate video costs can quickly get confusing. There are a lot of different aspects that go into pricing a video, and while it doesn’t have to cost the earth to get a video made, it helps to understand roughly what you are going to be spending.

For budgeting purposes, it is vital that you have some idea of the costs involved. That’s why we’ve delved into the corporate video costs in this guide. By understanding all of the different aspects that go into making a corporate video, you can make a more informed decision about how much you want to spend, and how ambitious your video project should be.

Project Management and Project Coordination Expenses

Without proper management and coordination, the project probably won’t be a success, and it certainly won’t run as smoothly as it could.

If you opt to purchase video production price packages then these costs may have already been factored in.

A project manager draws everything together, and oversees the smooth running of the project. They are often salaried employees within a video production company, but if you want to enjoy the very best in video production and create an impactful production, they are crucial.

Script Development Costs – Invest in a Vital Step

The script is the framework for your video, and it should not be rushed.

If you are trying to establish a video production cost per minute you may not have thought about script development, but this is one of the first steps, and one of the more crucial steps, too.

You shouldn’t go into the process without spending time on your script to ensure that the messaging is correct. A corporate video production company will often have staff that can help specifically with developing the script. This can include brainstorming and editing the script. It is worth paying for a professional’s time.

Costs Associated With Other Types of Visual Assets

Your video may require some more ambitious visuals. This will impact the pricing of corporate video production, but it can also turn a mediocre video into an impressive visual spectacle.

Motion graphics, green screening, and other visual assets can all come with extra time, effort, and staffing. Keep in mind that these are impressive skills and to access this type of visual asset you will likely have to pay more for a visual production.

Costs to Add Special Effects to Videos

There are a number of special effects that can come into play, especially when it comes to the post-production phase. Though you will need to plan any special effects long before this, they are likely to be an additional editing cost.

Some of the simpler special effects to implement won’t cost a fortune. They may not be overly time-consuming. For instance, if green screen techniques are applied correctly, the editing can be relatively straightforward. Things like motion capture and all the editing involved with this can take a lot of time. This means added costs.

Special effects can also impact the video production equipment cost. It is possible that the production company needs to access specialist or expensive equipment to implement your project.

Once again, it is the case that a more ambitious project is likely to lead to a higher price. Of course, your project is an investment, and it could be that spending more on the project has a much greater return in the long run.

Location Costs Associated with Video Production

If you are shooting on location then there is every possibility that some extra costs will be incurred.

In some parts of Saudi Arabia, you will need to source licences from local authorities in order to film there.

Getting a production company to help you to source these permissions and obtain licences can be tough, but it is much better to get the professionals to make any necessary applications.

On top of this, the actual location in which you are hoping to shoot may have some costs attached. Making a video within a studio means that there will likely be a daily cost involved. If you are asking “how much does a corporate video cost?” you also need to consider these location prices.

If you have a bigger project that needs to be shot on-location in premises that don’t belong to you or your business then it is likely that you’ll have to pay a fee, and consider any additional fees for shooting on location. The crew may even need to stay overnight.

When you are planning your corporate video project, these are all things that you need to discuss and factor in when getting a quote.

Music Licensing Fees

Your music licensing costs may not have even been considered before you start making your video.

Music comes with a cost attached. If you want to use a piece of popular music the licensing process can be long, drawn-out, and even expensive.

Working with Creative Blend means you have some help. Our project staff can help you to source the right type of audio and music for your production, and establish the costs.

Music libraries are one of the best ways to source the ideal music for your corporate video, and we can help you to work out the licences that you need. We can help you to access “stock” music that adds another dimension to your video.

Prices vary depending on how long the piece of music is and often based on how many people you plan to distribute it to. You may even look to get custom music produced for your video, but this can vastly increase costs.

Music is crucial. The vast majority of the most powerful and impactful videos have a powerful musical element to them, helping to evoke emotional responses from your audience. This is an area you should definitely invest time and money in.

Video Production Crew Costs

If you want the best video results, you need to work with an excellent crew.

Most great video production companies can boast a fantastic crew, from camera operators to creative directors.

A video production crew should be built for each and every project, to ensure that the video is captured to the highest standards, and that nothing is missed.

You may also need to source a cast for your video. It depends on whether there is a narrative, and whether you are including characters in a video. This isn’t relevant for things like testimonial videos, but for many corporate and commercial video productions it is crucial that you find the right people both in front of the camera and behind the camera.

Video Production Crew Costs

How much does it cost to start a video production company? Assembling the crew and equipment can be costly. It can be hard to find a reliable video production company, but with Creative Blend’s services you can ensure creativity and professionalism throughout.

Overhead Costs of Video Production

There are further overheads that you may not have considered. Every project should account for some additional costs, which can vary depending on the goal of your project and the size and scope of the shoot itself.

For example, you might need to create a budget for props or anything that needs to be in the set. Perhaps you need to pay for some extras to be in the video, or you need to pay for catering for a long day of shooting.

Hair and make-up costs, translation services, file storage, and equipment maintenance. These are just some of the other costs that you might have to consider when you are making a corporate video.

Every project requires thorough planning, and this means that you can create a detailed budget, and account for all of the extra overheads that you might encounter.

The Bottom Line: How Much Does It Cost to Make a Video?

There is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Video production cost varies depending on the scope of your project, who you need involved, and where the shoot will take place.

Though there are some flat-price video production services out there, charging by the minute or per video, this doesn’t tend to be the best option if you want to create a bespoke project.

Before we start with any client it is important that you know that we have a discovery session. During the discovery session, we address important questions that will help us understand your goals and expectations, including the potential budget and scope of the work.

Questions include:

What is the goal you are trying to achieve?

What is the scope of work?

What are your expectations after this project is completed?

What is your budget for this project?

Do you have an example of a similar project to understand your approach?

How urgent is your project?

Ready to start to understand a potential cost for your project? Let’s talk.